Stupid Cockface Patrol

Monday, August 21, 2006

Mel Gibson: What a Dick

The short summary, with apologies to Glen:


You know the story, even if you've been living under a rock for the past month, because you've still got web access under that rock, admit it.

I don't think there's much dispute that ol' Mel is an antisemite (and possibly anti-gay, too, check Braveheart), and he just happened to get caught with his verbal pants down. During a DUI bust. Ouch. Terms like sugartits applied to cops don't really impress, either. But the point is that it's likely that he meant all those things he said - in vino veritas.

Possible mitigating factor? He seems to keep it to himself for the rest of the time. I'm not sure how many points he gets for that, though - the Anti-Defamation League seems pretty critical of his portrayal of Jews in The Passion of the Christ.

I'm not sure if he gets the Scarlet Letter of Stupid Cockface, though. I understand that people are entitled to their opinions and their speech re: those opinions is constitutionally protected. If he'd gone out that night and formed the Violence Against Jews (and Sugartits) Party and then headed after anyone with a baseball bat, he'd be on the list. And in jail. But he just said what he thinks, and the only harm he did was the dangerous-to-everyone DUI. Stupid Cockface? What do you think?

Regardless of that verdict, though, this case illustrates exactly why we need a Stupid Cockface law. Now the police report's been filed, the mugshot's been taken, and the headlines have subsided. Now Mel's publicists and agents and handlers get to spin and cajole and wheedle him into our good graces. This is a big job, but if they do it right, then we'll all think that he really had it rough, almost losing his family and life and career to alcohol that one night he drank too much and got into such a media tizzy. But a Stupid Cockface wouldn't be able to claw their way back into society's good graces. That's part of what being a Stupid Cockface means.

So what do you think? Does he get the Stupid Cockface designation? Should he be allowed redemption? If so, under what circumstances?

Also, I'm way disappointed here. He seems like a good guy - charismatic and down to earth. Plus, he was Riggs! Word, Rog! I wish I didn't think he's a dick now.


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