Introducing the Stupid Cockface Patrol
Until the Stupid Cockface Act of 2006 (or whenever) becomes law, fair and decent folk across the land need an opportunity to publicly excoriate the Stupid Cockfaces who mar our experience.
Enter our team of editors, who have Czar-like power to condemn public figures by labeling them Stupid Cockfaces.
There are some rules about who can be nailed with a charge of Stupid Cockfacism (I like this term better than 'cockfaceism'), so let them be listed here:
*Editors should be fair to the condemned. This is a serious label we're considering here.
*Editors should be forthright and honest about how these people and/or actions make them feel.
Okay, then. Here's how we take back the world from those until-now unrepetant philistines.
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